Friday, May 22, 2020

Qu es Medicaid y quiénes pueden beneficiarse

Medicaid es un programa de asistencia mà ©dica para los mà ¡s desfavorecidos que, en la actualidad, beneficia , aproximadamente, a mà ¡s de 58 millones de personas en Estados Unidos. En quà © consiste Medicaid Es un programa de servicios mà ©dicos en el que el gobierno federal establece las directrices sobre quià ©nes deben beneficiarse del mismo y cada uno de los estados y el Distrito de Columbia ejecuta dentro de su territorio, con sus propias variaciones. En este sentido, funciona muy parecido al programa de cupones de alimentos. El programa, que fue creado por el presidente L.B. Johnson en 1965, recibe fondos para su desarrollo tanto del gobierno federal como de los estados. Quià ©nes pueden beneficiarse de Medicaid Por decisià ³n federal deben estar cubiertos por Medicaid los ciudadanos y residentes permanentes legales que se encuentren en uno de los siguientes grupos y cumplen todos los requisitos legales: Los nià ±os de seis aà ±os y menos cuyas familias no excedan en ingresos el 133% de la là ­nea  de pobreza federal.Los nià ±os de entre siete y 19 aà ±os de familias con ingresos inferiores al 100% de la là ­nea de pobreza.En el caso de menores, es suficiente que ellos por sà ­ mismos sean ciudadanos americanos o residentes permanentes legales, sin que importe el estatus migratorio de los padres.Padres y madres con pocos recursos con nià ±os.Las mujeres embarazadas de familias con ingresos inferiores al 133% del umbral de la pobreza.Personas mayores muy pobres (senior citizens).Personas con incapacidades, como por ejemplo la ceguera. En el caso de los residentes permanentes mayores de edad rige por regla general el requisito de haber cumplido ya cinco aà ±os como residentes. Pero cada uno de los estados puede decidir dentro de su territorio ampliar la cobertura dentro de esos grupos determinados por el gobierno federal y comenzar a dar la ayuda antes, como, por ejemplo, el caso de Texas. Asà ­, es comà ºn que eleven el mà ­nimo de ingresos familiar por lo que mà ¡s personas reciben los beneficios de Medicaid. Por ejemplo, en el estado de Nueva York pueden solicitar Medicaid las embarazadas cuyos ingresos familiares no exceden el 200% del umbral de la pobreza. Como consecuencia de esta regla, mà ¡s mujeres en estado pueden beneficiarse en NY comparado con aquellos estados que apliquen la regla federal del 133%. Quà © no pueden hacer los estados No està ¡ permitido que los estados creen categorà ­as nuevas de personas que puedan beneficiarse de Medicaid. De este modo, ningà ºn estado podrà ¡ ofrecer estos beneficios a personas de mediana edad que no son padres ni son mujeres embarazadas ni sufren de ningà ºn tipo de incapacidad, por muy pobres que sean. Quà © es la là ­nea de la pobreza Es una cantidad que fija el Departamento de Salud y Servicios Humanos para determinar quà © personas tienen acceso a diversos programas federales. La cifra de la là ­nea de la pobreza es la misma para los 48 estados contiguos y el Distrito de Columbia, pero es superior para Hawaii y Alaska. Beneficios que se ofrecen en todos los estados por imperativo federal Servicios de atencià ³n de mà ©dico, enfermera y comadrona.Revisiones perià ³dicas para menores de 21 aà ±osHospitalizacià ³nAnà ¡lisis de laboratorioRayos XAtencià ³n mà ©dica en clà ­nicas comunitarias y ruralesServicios de planificacià ³n familiar y entrega de contraceptivos como la pà ­ldora Beneficios a mayores que ofrecen algunos estados Cada uno de los 50 estados de la Unià ³n Americana y el Distrito de Columbia deben cumplir con los servicios mà ­nimos establecidos por el gobierno federal. Pero ademà ¡s pueden proveer con prestaciones extra, si asà ­ lo deciden. Entre los servicios que ofrecen algunos estados a travà ©s de Medicaid destacan: MedicinasVisitas al dentista y al oculista, asà ­ como pago total o parcial de lentesFisioterapiaConsultas de salud mentalCuidados mà ©dicos en hospicios y en el hogar En algunos casos tambià ©n se ofrece servicio de transporte para acudir a las citas mà ©dicas, siempre y cuando se solicite. Para saber cuà ¡les son las condiciones de Medicaid en cada estado y circunstancias tales como nivel de cobertura y requisitos de copago se puede consultar el mapa interactivo de la Fundacià ³n Kaiser y pinchar encima del estado de residencia de la persona interesada en conocer esos datos. Tips Las personas que han firmado un Affidavit of Support en favor de otras pueden verse obligadas a responder por un determinado tiempo por à ©stas. Y aunque en teorà ­a podrà ­an beneficiarse de Medicaid, lo cierto es que en la prà ¡ctica puede que acabe pagando el firmante de la Declaracià ³n jurada de apoyo. Si recibes Medicaid u otro beneficio considerado como means-tested (cupones de alimentos, etc) o està ¡s pasando por una difà ­cil situacià ³n econà ³mica podrà ­as calificar para una exencià ³n para no pagar por ciertos trà ¡mites migratorios (no todos). A tener en cuenta Embarazas, lactantes, nià ±os, infantes y mujeres que han tenido un bebà © hace menos de seis semanas podrà ­an calificar para ayuda alimentaria nutritiva mediante el programa que se conoce como WIC. A la hora de aplicar, el estatus migratorio no se tiene en consideracià ³n.

Friday, May 8, 2020

Social Media And Its Impact On Society - 1142 Words

Social media has essentially altered the way that people interact live their lives. This includes how people interact with others, shop, represent themself, and even find jobs. The social media company, Pinterest, which officially launched in March 2010, has made a major impact in digital and social media landscape. It has â€Å"grown to become the third largest social networking tool (Vasudha 2)†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Pinterest allows individuals or businesses to â€Å"pin† images to a board reflecting their interests. This simple platform fueled Pinterest exponential growth to 20 million users by April 2012. The strengths that fueled Pinterest to such large growth include its ability to connect businesses and consumers. Businesses can view what consumers are†¦show more content†¦The opportunity can also allow for Pinterest to even gain more users with more businesses utilizing Pinterest for marketing and other things. Although having such a high volume of women that use Pi nterest in a strength, it is also a weakness. Businesses that need a significant amount of males may stray away from partnerships with Pinterest since not many males use the platform. This leaves Pinterest the opportunity to increase the number of males that use their platform to develop a balanced platform that more businesses will be inclined to want to partner with to grow their business. Pinterest also has to be very aware of a variety of threats. The threats include the general â€Å"cut-throat† nature of the social media atmosphere and the rules and regulations that they have to deal with as they try to expand into other countries. An organization that is dominated the social media competition can quickly lose ground and have to fight back for more users. A perfect example is MySpace. MySpace at one point was winning the social media race, but companies like Facebook and Twitter have quickly emerged as power players. This has caused MySpace to figure out how to innovate in order to remain competitive. Pinterest has to commit to being innovative and adaptive to overcome this unique challenge and threat in order to remain successful in the industry. Companies like Facebook and Twitter have been adaptive and innovative

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Basic Tooth Anatomy Free Essays

Teeth are shaped according to its function and location in the mouth but regardless of its shape and function, it is composed of the same structures as follows: Crown- is the top portion of the tooth. This is what we can see in the oral cavity just by looking inside our patients’ mouth. Root- is the part of the tooth that is embedded in the bone. We will write a custom essay sample on Basic Tooth Anatomy or any similar topic only for you Order Now We can see the root of a tooth usually in a radiograph. Each tooth is composed of 4 primary structures namely: Enamel- is the hardest and most mineralized substance in the body. It covers the outside of the crown of the tooth and is translucent. Because the content of enamel is highly mineralized it also makes it susceptible to cavities. How? Reasons for decay vary but mostly it is due to ingestion of sugars that react with the bacteria found in the mouth that forms a type of acid that attacks enamel therefore it weakens enamel and overtime causes cavities. Dentin- makes up the bulk of the tooth and lies under enamel. It covers the pulp and the color may range from gray to yellow usually penetrating through the enamel. Dentin is composed of mineralized connective tissue like enamel but it is softer. It is necessary for the support of enamel. It also serves as a cushion to protect enamel from breaking. Pulp- is found at the center of the tooth. It is composed of nerves and blood vessels that provide nutrients to the tooth. And since it is made up of these structures, the pulp is soft and vulnerable without the protection of enamel and dentin. At the tip of the pulp we can find what is called as the â€Å"apex† of the root, this is a small opening where blood vessels and nerves pass through. Cementum- is a bone like connective tissue located around the root. It helps support the teeth by providing a place of attachment to the other tissues that surround the teeth in the socket. How to cite Basic Tooth Anatomy, Essay examples

Basic Tooth Anatomy Free Essays

Teeth are shaped according to its function and location in the mouth but regardless of its shape and function, it is composed of the same structures as follows: Crown- is the top portion of the tooth. This is what we can see in the oral cavity just by looking inside our patients’ mouth. Root- is the part of the tooth that is embedded in the bone. We will write a custom essay sample on Basic Tooth Anatomy or any similar topic only for you Order Now We can see the root of a tooth usually in a radiograph. Each tooth is composed of 4 primary structures namely: Enamel- is the hardest and most mineralized substance in the body. It covers the outside of the crown of the tooth and is translucent. Because the content of enamel is highly mineralized it also makes it susceptible to cavities. How? Reasons for decay vary but mostly it is due to ingestion of sugars that react with the bacteria found in the mouth that forms a type of acid that attacks enamel therefore it weakens enamel and overtime causes cavities. Dentin- makes up the bulk of the tooth and lies under enamel. It covers the pulp and the color may range from gray to yellow usually penetrating through the enamel. Dentin is composed of mineralized connective tissue like enamel but it is softer. It is necessary for the support of enamel. It also serves as a cushion to protect enamel from breaking. Pulp- is found at the center of the tooth. It is composed of nerves and blood vessels that provide nutrients to the tooth. And since it is made up of these structures, the pulp is soft and vulnerable without the protection of enamel and dentin. At the tip of the pulp we can find what is called as the â€Å"apex† of the root, this is a small opening where blood vessels and nerves pass through. Cementum- is a bone like connective tissue located around the root. It helps support the teeth by providing a place of attachment to the other tissues that surround the teeth in the socket. How to cite Basic Tooth Anatomy, Essay examples